Microsoft word for mac slow
Microsoft word for mac slow

  1. Microsoft word for mac slow how to#
  2. Microsoft word for mac slow code#
  3. Microsoft word for mac slow Pc#
  4. Microsoft word for mac slow windows#

To solve these problems find the word templates location folder and delete the "Normal. This problem is usually due to a corrupted or problematic " Normal. I had updated the OS to For all I know, the problem may have been caused by the OS update.One common problem faced on many computers is the slow launching or termination of MS Word. There may also be a combination effect going on. But Word is very pokey getting to a ready to use state. PowerPoint and Excel are a bit slower, though not by a lot. With the But as of Outlook seems to behave the same as always. If I quit and wait awhile using some other programs, it is back to 15 seconds. If I quit and then restart it in a short time, it is 3 seconds. I don't believe that the 30 second to 3 second difference you are seeing is related to the SSD. Honestly, my first question is how often are you rebooting your Mac? With the exception of days long trips out of town and the odd severe storm warning, the only times I ever shut mine down or reboot it is for updates that require it. The fact is that Office is a bloated mess when it comes to code. Depending on what you're doing, Office is probably getting pushed out of the SSD cache in favor of other code. It caches the things it has to load most frequently.

microsoft word for mac slow

I have understood that the more used program should remain in the SSD? It depends on what else is being used. Pretty much nothing you can do about it without ditching the fusion drive and going to pure SSD.

Microsoft word for mac slow code#

Once the application code has been cached on the SSD portion of the fusion drive after the first run after boot it will start much faster. That's pretty much to be expected with a rotational hard drive. I haven't looked for recent discussions in the Microsoft forum. I remember there being a lot of discussion when Office for Mac was first released and it was even slower then if I remember correctly. But the 15 seconds with my SSD still sometimes feels like an eternity. Nevertheless, because Word is certainly one of the program we use the most on the iMac it should move to the SSD portion of the FusionDrive, right? That I can't answer no experience or knowledge regarding that drive. In my case it was about the same with Sierra as it is with High Sierra. It happened since I installed Microsoft Office for Mac stand aloneno previous version has been installed on the computer before. Once one program has been start one time on the Mac, if I close it completely, it take 3s to start up again as expected so the issue is at the very first start-up of each program after cold start.

microsoft word for mac slow

However, slow computers often have limited hardware resources, which make Word less responsive.įollow these steps to disable hardware acceleration in Word.To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question. Newer Office versions use hardware graphics acceleration to speed up the performance. This will badly affect your productivity by causing delay and diverting your concentration when doing important work.

Microsoft word for mac slow how to#

Related: How to quickly insert dividers in Microsoft Word? In some cases, when you type on a Word document, it will lag for few seconds or longer from the moment you press the key. Check whether this helps to solve the slow processing issues in Microsoft Word. Now, open Microsoft Word to create a new Normal.

Microsoft word for mac slow Pc#

After locating the template file in your PC or Mac, simply delete it. Type the following location and press enter key.

microsoft word for mac slow

Microsoft word for mac slow windows#

The file location may be different depending upon your Windows version. Then save all your open documents and close Microsoft Word. Therefore, you need to first enable the option in Windows to show hidden files. However, it is a bit tricky task, since Normal. An effective solution is to delete the Nomal. Word also stores all style related settings, such as font size and font type in this template. This essentially means, the template file is always in use when Word is in use. Related: How to fix slow Microsoft Excel and speedup your productivity. In this article let us explain how to fix slow Word when opening, typing and saving documents to speedup productivity. This may result in reduced productivity for business professionals and normal computer users. However, slow performance of Microsoft Word is quite common on many computers due to various reasons. Though there are many alternate apps, Word is an ultimate document app due to universal use.

microsoft word for mac slow

Microsoft Word is one of the popular text processing applications available.

Microsoft word for mac slow